Hey! It's me!

Angelique Smit

Student & < Full-stack Developer >

Picture of myself/Foto van mij

<About me>

<Me as a person>

Hi! My name is Angelique Smit and I am currently a creative media and game technologies student at Rotterdam University of Applied Siences. Besides programming, I spend my free time working in the university's fatlab helping students make their project ideas a reality or sewing my own clothes.

<Me as a developer>

My programming journey began in 2022 when I decided I wanted to learn some basic code. Back then, I spent my time making simple sorting algorithms in C#. Nowadays, I am focussed on full-stack web-development with broad experience HTML, CSS, Javascript and PHP but I have also worked with Python and Typescript. I have experience with frameworks such as Laravel, NodeJS & Express, React, Excalibur and Tailwind. Additionally, I have knowledge of the use of micro-controllers such as the Circuit Playground and Microbit.

<Highlighted Projects>

<Javascript Webgame>

For the last project of my first year, my classmate and I made a webgame in Javascript using Excalibur. During the 2 and a half weeks we had for development, my classmate and I made the artwork, wrote the dialogue and wrote all the code. We used Excalibur due to prior knowedge in the framework and its easy to use scene system. Our game secured second place in the project showcase and was briefly featured on our study's Twitch channel, which was hosted within the National Video Game Museum.

<Interface for the IP-Car>

My first 6 month project during my second year, 4 classmates and I worked on developing an interface for the IP-car, a rc car designed to host museum tours from a distance. Our team was not just focussed on implementing but was leading the entire creative process, design sprint and user research too. The project can be viewed here

Interested in more of my projects? Visit my Github to see more of my projects.

<Work Experience>

<Student assistant 2023-Current>

Currently, I am working as a student assistant in our university fatlab. This is a lab full of different kinds of high-tech machinery such as 3D-printers, lasercutters, automatic embroidery machines and much more. As a student assistant, I am responsible for the upkeep of the lab, basic servicing of the machinery but most of all helping and inspiring the students and outsiders to build their school or personal projects. I answer people's questions, give advise and explain how to use the machinery to newcomers.

<Retail worker 2022-2023>

After the pandemic I worked in a second-hand retail store called HetGoed. I sorted incoming items, put them inside of the store and managed the register. I mostly worked behind the register, actively conversing with customers.

<English Tutor 2021-2022>

During the pandemic, I worked as a tutor for StudentPlus. During my time at the company, I tutored two individuals, one of them being dyslexic, in English to prevent them from falling further behind. I gave 1 hour student-focussed lessons in which I made custom explanation sheets for the students, made expercises for them and gave feedback on what they should be studying more in. During this time, I tutored both in person and online.